Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Have you ever received online advertisements and/or security warning pop-up windows saying that your computer data is not secure?  I have on numerous occasions.  I thought it was strange because I have a legitimate security software program on my computer that does continuous check ups and maintenance - so I did not understand how I could or would have a data security issue??!!!

Well it turns out that I did not have a "data security issue".  The numerous warnings actually were scareware scams!  Needless to say, I am very glad I had security software already installed on my computer!

Scareware scams use fear (data not secure) to prompt you to purchase a malicious program so that  hackers can cause financial havoc that could have devastating repercussions for years!  Be aware that the fake security software programs are very sophisticated and sometimes have names similar to legitimate security products.  

This is how SCAREWARE works...
  • It warns you that your data is not secure and prompts you to purchase a "security" software program - using your credit card information to make the purchase. 
  • Once the program is installed, the hackers can gain access to your personal files and habits. 
  • As a result, the hackers can steal identities, transfer money from bank accounts, make fraudelent charges on credit cards and much, much more!
But there is MORE... ever heard of "ransomware"?  Me either.  It is not as common as fake security software, but it is a growing scareware threat.  This type of scareware exhorts money from its victims.  Yes... these programs might tell you that you are committing a crime or threaten to remove a user's access to a program or file if a fee is not paid!

RANSOMWARE works like this...
  • If you use peer-to-peer programs, the malware will pretend to scan for copyright violations and then pop up a warning that stolen material was found on the computer.  It gives you the option of going to court or paying a fine!  If you don't pay, it will eventually lock up the desktop!
  • It can hold personal files "hostage" by encrypting them and rendering them inaccessible to the owner.  Then the software demands payment of a fee or purchase of a product to unlock the hijacked files.
Scareware is a very lucrative business across many different countries.  So, the next time (if ever) you get a "WARNING" pop-up advertisment, for anti-virus software or copyright violations, check it out first!  Go to to learn more about scareware and ransomware BEFORE making an online purchase.

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